Embracing Nature's Power In Your Birthing Journey

Welcome to Terra Touch Birthing & Beyond, where the goal is to support and empower expecting women and their families through the incredible journey of child birth. My mission is to help you harness your natural strength and inner power as you bring new life into this world.


birth doula

Emotional, physical, and educational support throughout your prenatal and postnatal journey.

peer lactation counseling

Offering basic support for lactating women.

herbal wellness

Natural alternatives to traditional medicine, helping you find relief without harmful side effects.

Why should you have a doula?

  • 28% decrease in risk of a C-Section delivery.
  • 60% less likely to ask for an epidural during birth
  • 40% less likely to need pitocin to start or speed up delivery
  • Shorter labor times
  • Reduction in pain medication usage


You know that phrase “she was always there for me?” Well, multiply that times a thousand, and you’ve got the best doula ever-Victoria.
Stephanie W.
New Jersey
She really come through for me in those final hours and without her help, I’m not sure I would’ve survived my labor the way I did.
Tia M.
The amount of support she’s given me, even after birth, has been priceless. Her temperament, compassion, and patience make her the perfect person to help bring life into this world.
Naimah G.
New Jersey

Get in touch today for a FREE consultation